25th Reunion Photo
At the Class of 1990's 25th Reunion this May, Andrew Stein rounded up as many of his former classmates as he could to recreate their class photo on the front of Colonial's steps. He says their stern faces were trying to mimic the old timey photos of Colonial's past. Check it out below- they even sat in the same places!
Abd-El-Baki, Agnew, Bassman, Baumer, Biddinger, Blackburn, Boer, Bondor, Boyd, Briem, Chubb, Cunningham, Danforth, Denker, Duarte, Dworak, Elkins, Grabiner, Hamermesh, Hames, Harris, Heine, Hopkins, Im, Lara, Lee, Lichtenfield, Lin, Lyons, Mackrell, Mancoll, Mayo, Moody, Newmayer, O'Malley, Papadopoulos, Rand, Rocherolle, Rosensweig, Skrainka, Smeal, P. Smith, R. Smith, A. Stein, E. Stein, Taylor, Traina, Trees, Troyka, Usalis, Wu, Zwanger
BACK ROW: Lori Bassman, Alexa (Boer) Kimball, Jody (Danforth) Root, Dave Heine, Carla (Newmeyer) Cooper, Elizabeth (Perriello) Rice, R. Justin Smith, Spencer Lin
MIDDLE ROW: Paul Biddinger, Eric Boyd, Julie (Rosensweig) Schwartz, Stephanie (Blackburn) McFadden, Elena (Rand) Kaspi, Andy Stein, Pete Smith, Andy Mayo, Tim Lyons.
FRONT ROW: Drew Denker, Page (Lichtenfeld) Bondor, Garrett Duarte, Matt Cunningham, Paul Bondor, Bridget (McKeever) Bettigole, Dan Troyka
Here they are in color, smiling and with friends!: